I am attending a YMCA USA Program Development Session this week. So, while thinking in terms of sports, I made a loose connection between sports and life strategy. It seems like we spend most of our lives playing defense. We defend our families, our values, our jobs, our friends, and our belief systems. Can we ever really achieve our goals if we do not play offense? Offense allows for strategy, goal setting and achievement, and ultimately victory. However, offense also involves risk. One must challenge the defense, enter the opponent's territory, and attempt to "score". It requires energy, skill, strategy, and purpose.
Society encourages us to continue to play defense. Defense is safe. We must protect our thinking, our kids (who, by the way, have never been safer than now), our property etc.
Offense allows us to get to the "good stuff". New opportunities (personal and professional), growth, and achievement of goals.
Making the change from defense to offense requires a major shift in thinking. We have to quit being so safe, and take some risks.
So, how do we make the change?